Uttergloss Hootenanny

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Tuesday 24blogging

First, an assortment of links.

Second, on to the commentary. I have to say that I'm deeply enjoying the season 5 incidental music. The Ominous Beat of Tension; The Punched-Up Beat of Action; and the Violin Crescendo of Syncing Up to the Beeping Clock all get their jobs done admirably.

Thinking on that, though, it occurs to me that the producers didn't consider either Michelle or Palmer as being worthy of the Silent Countdown of Major Character Death. Which is sad.

Next week is one to watch; the previews make it fairly clear that they're doing their annual "shouldn't this season be called '6'" fakeout. My guess to the twist: they wrap up the Nerve Gas/White House mole plot quickly, mostly, but at the expense of China learning that Jack's Alive, and Jack spends the other 3/4 of the year running from Chinese agents and CTU people while trying to stop the Phase III of the first set of bad guys' plot that nobody else believes in. Could, of course, be wrong.


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