Uttergloss Hootenanny

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Smallville: The Silver Age I

Finished up Smallville's fourth season recently. Some good Superboy storyage to be found there, to be sure. The most striking thing I notice, compared to the previous seasons, was the birthing of a very silver-age comics mentality, from name drops for the Flash and Mxyztplk, repeated amnesia, possession, or personality change, and classic SA gags like the broken scissors, or Chloe taking on the classic Pete Ross position of 'person who knows Clark's secret identity, but Clark doesn't know that (she) knows, and works to protect both secrets'. Although I missed having Pete Ross around himself, Chloe in the classic version of the story niche worked a lot better than Pete-knowing-all did. The whole silver-agey-ness had me thinking 'Argo City' during the entire finale, which will probably turn out wrong, and 'Mon-El' as a second guess, also unlikely. Will probably blog more on Smallville V4.

On question, though: if the entire town had been evacuated, with several hours notice, what the hell was a fully loaded oil truck doing other than consuming special effects budget that won't roll over to the next season?


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