Lost, Season 1
Recently finished consuming, on DVD, the first season of last year's other mystery-based drama breakaway hit, Lost. Unlike Desperate Housewives, this show certainly doesn't overcompensate for the Twin Peaks factor and reveal everything by the finale, nosiree Bob...
Do they undercompensate, though? Too soon (for me) to tell. If Peaks had revealed the killer in the second season opener rather than waiting another six episodes, they'd have been in a lot better shape. Lost is at least revealing some of the mysteries in a fairly timely manner in season 1. So here's a report card of unresolved mysteries at season one's end. I'd say at least a third of these ought to be cleared out by 2.6 and two thirds by 2.24, and, presuming that there isn't a cheat and the main hatch mystery is revealed in 2.1, they'd be doing okay.
Update: Thought of a few more to add.
Do they undercompensate, though? Too soon (for me) to tell. If Peaks had revealed the killer in the second season opener rather than waiting another six episodes, they'd have been in a lot better shape. Lost is at least revealing some of the mysteries in a fairly timely manner in season 1. So here's a report card of unresolved mysteries at season one's end. I'd say at least a third of these ought to be cleared out by 2.6 and two thirds by 2.24, and, presuming that there isn't a cheat and the main hatch mystery is revealed in 2.1, they'd be doing okay.
Update: Thought of a few more to add.
- The Island
- What's inside the hatch?
- What is the monster?
- Why are there Polar Bears in the Tropics? [maybe under Walt rather than The Island]
- Where is it on a map?
- Why is it undiscovered?
- What is the power source for the transmission?
- Who are the Others, and what is their agenda?
- Why is the tide coming in so high and fast?
- The Plane
- Why did it crash?
- How did so many survive?
- Where are the other survivors Boone contacted on the radio?
- Jack
- How did his marriage end?
- How does he keep a constant level of stubble without ever being either clean-shaven or developing a full beard?
- What's up with the tattoo?
- Where did his dad's body go?
- Kate
- What was her initial crime all about?
- What was the reason she ran away from home in the first place?
- To whom was she married?
- How did that turn out?
- Why was she calling the Marshall at home?
- Locke
- How did he become crippled?
- How was he cured?
- When did he acquire his mad skillz at hunting and survival?
- Ditto his encyclopedic knowledge of trivia such as instantly identifying Nigerian Currency?
- What happened after he stared at the beast?
- What happened after the vault light turned on?
- Sawyer
- What was the fiasco in Miami?
- Why isn't he having nicotine withdrawl problems?
- Why didn't anyone blame his headaches on above?
- Sayid
- When and why did he leave Iraq? (Probably trailing Nadia, but how did he get that trail?)
- Charlie (No current mysteries with Charlie I can recall.)
- Claire
- Why is Aaron's being raised by Claire so important?
- Hurley
- What do the numbers mean?
- Why was he in the mental institution?
- How did he get the nickname?
- Jin and Sun
- How did Sun's father find out Jin was planning to flee?
- Shannon and Boone (Nothing much here, either.)
- Michael and Walt
- Does Walt have the ability to control random events [Backgammon vs Hurley scene]?
- Does Walt control the weather?
- Does Walt have the ability to summon wildlife?
- If so, is he responsible for the Polar Bears?
- If so, when Rouseau mentioned 'Bears', was she thinking of more normal tropic-friendly species?
- If he can do all these things, as well as perfectly throw a knife with positive visualization, is there anything he can't do? Is Walt, in fact, some kind of demigod?
- Why do the Others want him?
- Rousseau
- Who was Alix's father?
- What happened to Alix after he was taken?
- Is she crazy/how crazy is she, or were the rest of her crew actuall infected by something?
- Why does she, living alone on a deserted island and coming from a culture comfortable with female body hair, shave her armpits smooth?
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