Uttergloss Hootenanny

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Open up a socket so I can datamine the protocol...now!

(Or, this week's 24blogging.)

So, this week we swap out to the 'A' team of terrorists, have Lynn suffer a breakdown, and set up a set-piece motorcade attack for the next hour. And foreshadow one of the season's major baddies.

When that set-piece does start, it's going to get increasingly hard to justify the Chinese not seeing Jack on TV at some point during it. Unless someone shuts down all the media covering the Russian president...

Kim Bauer, meanwhile, is taking a preturnaturally long time to cross town in the 24-verse physics. When will we see her, and will it be with a new boyfriend? If so, will we once again prove the so-far-infallible rule 'Sleep with Kim, Lose a Limb'?


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