(I'll finish off Week 3 when I go back and do the History of the DCUs.)
Page 1: "Kane St.", named for the family of an upcoming Gotham heroine, perhaps?
Page 2: Halo's working for Nasa. Also, they're doing this on the shuttle rather than the much roomier-lookng station...
Page 3: The president's name is Horne nowadays.
Page 4: "Thaddeus Star" is a distinctive name; might mean something somewhere.
Page 5: Okay, 'NPRK' is one of Gold's sponsors. Also, "Me" and "It" on his back on the first panel, not entirely consistent with what's on it in panel 3. Which is where some names (of Team Hunter people) are.
Page 6: "Urinating Wino" probably not on of the 52 spin-offs coming this year.
Page 7: Does the Question have knowledge of the future, too? Or just know more than he's telling.
Page 8: Steel is a bit...conflicted.
Page 9: ...and may qualify for the Mad-Scientist kidnapper by now...
Page 10: Poisoned...
Page 11: ...and possibly a new Bulletman?
Page 12: Devem, which means that he's probably spying on someone for someone else. At least one someone.
Page 13: Ralph either didn't get a vision or he's starting a long one.
Page 14: "Samara". Or maybe "Simpsom & Co".
Page 15: Montoya didn't hear anything. Big guy falling or jumping down that trapdoor would have been pretty loud, wouldn't it?
Page 16: Secret warehouse full of high-tech guns, so let's send a blind monster to move them?
Page 17: Panel 5 looks painful. Almost lethally painful.
Page 18: Nice gun.
Page 19: Looks like Geo-Force, but costume says "CP". Also, not helecopter 52 but 38 instead.
Page 20: So, Hawkgirl's a giant, Greet Lantern I's lost an eye, Celcius and Bumblebee are in mighty bad shape, and two other characters are unidentifiable.