...which was sort of meh. We'll see if the new new archvillian works out, I guess.
Anyhow, I'll use this space to outline what Day Six would be like, if I ran the zoo...
First: the last scene of the last episode of Day Five is some Chinese Embassy analyst looking at a newscast from sometime in the day, freezing the frame, zooming in and refining the image. He then picks up his phone, calls someone up, and says (in Chinese with subtitles) "Jack Bauer is alive."
Not sure what I'd do with the Preview on the Day Five DVDs.
Anyhow, On to the first two hours. We start with Jack walking into CTU cold, telling them he's learned of a major threat for that day against the government, and gets the squad of the day to support him in chasing down a Chinese national in LA, a biochemist who he says is working on a biological weapon.
During those two hours, Jack's methods start off at the top of the extreme scale and get worse and worse...kneecapping and/or torturing people who aren't even remotely guilty of anything other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. With about five minutes to go in the episode, they find the guy, and then, instead of taking him in, Jack shoots him. Curtis barely has time to say 'What the hell' before Jack shoots him, too.
Then, in the final scene of the premere, we go to that prison near the border with Siberia that was mentioned in Season 4, where we see, being tortured by a nasty Chinese interrogator...Jack Bauer.
The second two hours, aired the next day if the last few seasons are a guide, mostly follow the real Jack Bauer in said prison. There's an ex-general of the People's Liberation Army Navy in there, too, and he's staging a breakout, which sweeps Jack up: the general wants some of Jack's codes and passwords. We find out that Faux-Jack managed to salt Kim away as a hostage, so Jack has to cooperate for now. By the end of the episode, he's on a jet plane on it's way to meet a small fleet of submarines. Meanwhile, Faux-Jack has managed to blame Curtis' death on bad guys, but eventually tips Chloe and company off that he's not on their side, but not before uploading a virus into the Navy's networks, stopping them from communicating with their own submarines.
I have vague ideas on the rest of the day, but that's enough for now, I think.