Geekery: Infinite Crisis #3 Questions
Some questions to think on:
1. How does the Spectre and Day of Vengeance relate to the overall story? Is the Spectre under some spell, as Nightshade suggests? If so, whose?
2. What's going to break out of the Anomoly? The Anti-Monitor? Krona? Something else? And who will it kill when it does? [Dramatically speaking, there's no possible other reason behind gathering such a large assortment of high-powered characters into one place like that other than to have them get wiped out, with high casualties, in about 10 panels the next issue. Animal Man is a strong candidate for first blood, as is Alan Scott, who seems to die in just about every major crossover these days...]
3. Why is Lex Luthor suffering from the 'proximity to alternate version effect from Alex? Alex isn't an analog of Lex; he's the son of such an analog. While on the topic of Alternate Version Proximity Sickness (henceforth AVPS), Mxyzptlk's problems in Adventures of Sueprman 646 could well be AVPS rather than magic fritz-y-ness. One of my pet theories is that in the end we'll find out that the main villian of the whole thing as the Earth-1 Mxy, turned dark as in 'Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow'.
4. 3 empty slots in the Dimensional tuner. [Note, need to check original crisis to see if R2D2's head was in the original tower, too.]. Filled slots for Breach [Post-Crisis earth], Martian Manhunter [Earth-1], Black Adam [Earth-S], Lady Quark [Earth-6], and the Ray [Earth-X]. One of the empties is for Power Girl [Earth-2], another for Nightshade [Earth-4] What about the last?
Either Superboy [Earth-Prime] or Alex [Earth-3] should be able to fill it, but if one, why not both? Either they can contribute their own dimensionality from outside or the device will damage the people in it and neither wants to volunteer, I'd imagine. So that leaves another slot. Who?
Earth-7 is for the comedy superheroes. Angel and/or Ape might work. Pariah would be been a fine choice if Luthor hadn't killed him. The rest of the Crime Syndicate are out there, for Earth-3 representation. Captain Atom might pick up enough Wildstorm-ness from his current crossover...For that matter, Majestic has visited the DCU before, he might be brought in in a long-shot.
The implication from The Return of Donna Troy is that Donna by herself could probably represent all those worlds and more, which might be part of the second attempt.
5. What is the tuner actually going to do? Restore the multiverse? Re-tune the universe to be Earth-2-centric, like Kal-L thinks? Re-tune it to Earth-3? [What it is designed for and what it actually does may well be entirely different things, of course.]